Blessed Assurance

The human need for assurance that everything will be alright begins very early in life. In our transparency we must admit the desire for it never really passes. I remember that as dad lay on his death bed, what he wanted most was the reassurance of heaven and eternal life. From cradle to grave assurance is essential. That’s what this passage is about, blessed assurance.

Coming to Christ: Resurrection Sunday

I love to hear testimonies of how people came to Christ; how they became a believer. Some share stories of dramatic life-altering transformations. While others quietly find their faith under the influence of a Sunday school teacher, close relative or friend. What’s important is that you’ve had the experience.

The Sovereign Celebration: Palm Sunday

The sovereignty of God means there is absolutely nothing that happens in the universe that’s outside of God’s influence and authority. God is above all things and before all things. He is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. (Rev. 21:6)

Last Words to Lost People

It’s hard to believe how fast this year is going. Next Sunday is Palm Sunday, then Easter, and Resurrection Sunday April 4. So, next week we cover Jesus’ triumphal entry into Jerusalem and the empty tomb the following week. The events of this morning’s passage takes place between those two. Jesus’ return to Jerusalem the final week of His earthly ministry and His resurrection. Here, John captures a portion of Jesus’ last words to lost people.

Believe, Because, Belong

The greatest lack in our church is discipleship. This was never made clearer to me than over the past twelve months of the pandemic. What I learned about our church is that we weren’t as discipled as we (I) thought we were. We aren’t as committed to discipleship as we need to be. By discipleship I simply mean gaining a solid, working grasp of God’s word and applying it to our lives; leading to Kingdom growth.

Righteous Anger

The church is not immune to angry attitudes, words, and actions either. Any long-standing member of virtually any church can attest to the outbursts at a business meeting. What Christians must understand is that wrongly placed anger is destructive. Righteous anger is corrective, it actually can lead to positive outcomes.

Essentials of an Effective Christian Life

It was six weeks ago we looked at the ministry of John the Baptist using a portion of this passage, “Today we return to the scene for a different purpose.” Rather than centering in John’s activity we’ll see the fundamental, the essential practices of Jesus as he began His public ministry.

The Son Shines

I remember driving the 762 miles throughout the night, praying, asking God for strength. I also asked Him (and I think this is the only time I’d ever done this) I asked the Lord for a sign that my wife and mother would be alright.

Disease, Demons and Divinity

By this time of our Lord’s ministry, His status as God’s Son had been publicly proclaimed in dramatic fashion by several reputable sources. Human, divine and demonic people and forces who would know.

For the Kingdoms Sake

If I asked, “What would you be willing to do for the sake of your family?” Many, if not most of you, would say anything or whatever I can. And that’s the right answer. And you do. You work hard; invest yourself and make sacrifices for the good of your family.